September 2023 Reminder

Hey LOOK who is Back.

Yes The Bare has been away on holidays, wedding camping and not on the HAHClub jobs, Sorry, sometimes life just gets in the way of doing what you need to do. So here is what I need to do.

REMINDER that this weekend we have our last of the year open house.  It was on your calendar many months ago, this is not a surprise but a reminder. Please tell your friends and bring them out to see our new collection.



September 23, 2023

Open 9:30 am Till 3:00 pm

Visit our working museum of Antique Farm Equipment, snowmobiles, and everything in between. See our new Hit & Miss Grinder display.

Free entrance, free wagon rides, food available.

Lots to see indoors and out.


5070 Country Rd. 10, village of Canton, Port Hope.

For info call Earl at 905-753-2387 or


Sunday October 1st          Car Tour to the AMC

Canadian Automotive Museum from Oshawa well be stopping by for a tour of the AMC. Come out and see some neat old cars coming to visit our neat old tractors. Time between 1:30 and 2:30.


October 2nd           Hope Agricultural Heritage Club Meeting at the Antique Machinery Center. (AMC)

Guest speaker will be Brandon Jackson of the Brandon Jackson knife company.


October 14th               Honey Harvest Festival

Saturday at the Dancing Bee, 5029 County Road 2  Welcome. Come and visit, we’ll be a part of this festival demonstrating some of our Harvesting Machinery.

Barry Adamson

Hope Agricultural Heritage Club

1020 Port Britain Rd.

Port Hope, ON, L1A 3V7

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