Hope Agricultural Heritage Club Fall Update

Hi Folks.  The leaves are falling but the temperatures are still warm, so I’m just as confused as everybody else, but I am enjoying the warm weather.

Ok 6 days have gone by since I started this. My life just gets in the way. Here we go again. Oh, look there is frost outside now, I guess it is fall!

It’s been a while since I’ve updated you and Earl has sent me so many things to tell you that I thought I better get started because it’s going to be a 25 pager as it is. So, grab your favorite drink and a soft chair, put on your reading glasses and enjoy, I hope.

It has been extremely busy summer and early fall so here’s what’s happened.

Before I start, Earl has requested that I post this as we need your help and locating these rims.

The Club has a threshing machine

as many of you know and we use it every summer at our Antique Machinery Show.

 The tires are 7.00 x 16 .

The tires are getting weathered and one is low on the tread, so if anyone has rims and  or tires please let our club know. If we had rims, we could keep the originals for spares. And if rims are available, we could find some truck tires to install. Thank You, Earl

Now that we’ve had a paid advertisement let’s get on with the update.

Kind of in date order.

Private Tour.

Mid-September, Ivan Elford one of our club members, arranged a tour to a place called Little Britain, and the farm of, Graeme and Audrey Little. They live on a wonderful working dairy farm of over 100 head of cattle being milked. Also on this farm are many buildings with his wonderful collection of antiques of all sorts. To start the tour, I was very excited to find a 1945 Case “S O”.

This tractor is fully restored and as some of you might know, the “S O” means, Orchard tractor. Now an Orchard Tractor has all of this fancy tin work, to keep the apples trees from getting caught in the tractor. This is the first case tractor of this type, that I have seen in full orchard gear. It was amazing. Remember I have the same old tractor without its shiny dressings.

So, I just sat and drooled. They finally dragged me off to look at the rest of the collection. There are two wheeled bicycles (hundreds)

everywhere and many many other things, such as a collection of over 500 oil cans.

  Real Antique Tractors, Miniature Collectables.

Motorcycles just to give you an example of the scope of this collection.

Everywhere you looked you saw something different and unique.

After lunch in Lindsey, we drove to Ivan’s MANCAVE. Well, it’s not a man cave at all, it is a wonderful shop with his antique Cadillac and other memorabilia that he has collected. Quite a shock to go from old barns and dust to a shiny new building with a shiny new car. That’s antique NEW. Thanks Ivan, it was a great day.  If you ever get a chance to visit either of these places, I tell you it is well worth it.

PS.   Some of our wives came with us and they really enjoyed this tour, because Audrey Little showed them all the Ladies things to look at.

Canadian Automotive Museum (of Oshawa)

Do you remember earlier in the year we had a speaker Alex gates the CEO of Canadian Automotive Museum. It seemed that the museum was organizing a car road trip, for some of its members. He asked if our antique machinery center could be part of a stop on their trip? So Sunday October 1, in rolls all these very fancy, some old and some new cars. As these folks all have a passion for cars they enjoyed seeing and hearing some of our wonderful engines. Our members looked at their cars and they looked at our antiques.

Here’s a little note that I received from them.

Thank you for the tour and demonstrations you gave our group on October the 1st 2023. Our members enjoyed your collection very much. As a thank you the museum would like to make a donation of $250. Signed  The Canadian Automotive Museum.   

 I guess we gave them their money’s worth!

Fall Open House.

September 23rd was our fall open house. It turned out to be a wonderful day with many people dropping by for a look. We guess we had over 50 attendees that day. It was nice to see all of our antiques on display before they got put away for the winter. Having this show let’s us organize the AMC so we can function during the coming cold months.

Fall Fair

Earl and Art Marvin attended the Port Hope fall fair and ran seminars for the public-school kids on trees and tree planting, in the Ganaraska forest. They did well entertaining 8 year olds and keeping them on track. So when I heard about this I asked them to come and educate the rest of the club. I knew it would be harder than the 8 year olds

We had about 30 folks out to enjoy all the knowledge that Earl and Art

Marvin have on tree planting and the history of the forest in this region. Great job guys we got lots of positive feedback from all the attendees.

Apple Peeler

Next we received an 1888 Apple Peeler, donated by Len Bray.

With lots of oil and some loving care, we got it to work.

Yes it’s still peels apples, but not corn. It is a very nice addition to our collection. It’s small and we have room for it.

Roland Bowman

Previously I told you about the passing of Roland Bowman.

I thought I’d like to share with you the tribute his boys did for him in front of the church used for his service.

Very nice tribute by his sons.

Dancing Bee

The Dancing Bee business is Canada’s foremost supplier of anything to do with bees and honey. They are great supporters of our organization and asked us to come and be part of their Honey Harvest Festival. So, we showed up with our little harvesting machine called the thrasher. Along with many of our smaller harvesting machines like the corn shucker.

Inside the building was everything to do with bees and outside we’re real bees and beehives. It was nice to participate in the community and educate people on some of the old farming ways.

Drop by anytime for great Honey Products from the gift shop.

Cockshutt 60

Meanwhile back at the AMC,

this wonderful tractor arrived. It’s a 1942 to 48 Cockshutt 60   18 horsepower, donated by Paul Van Eyk. As you see it’s very unique to our collection as it has all the planters and things used for his small crop farm. I’m still looking and trying to figure out how this all worked. Thank you Paul, another great addition to our collection.

I am still trying to fique out how it all works.

New Engines

From Earl

On Tuesday October 17th Doug, Greg and I went to the upper Rideau lakes, north of Kingston to pick up a 6hp, 3hp and a 1.1 horsepower Hit-and-Miss engine. Glenn Wilcox donated his father’s engines. Mr. J Douglas Wilcox previously of Beaver valley farms in Beaton. Douglas restored these and they we’re all running this summer. Thanks to the Wilcoxt family for the donations to the HAHClub and Antique Machinery Centre.

I took some quick snaps, so you know what to look for on your next visit.

Last Ride

Today is Oct 22 and a return of the Ford tractor from Burnham’s Family Market. Only 5 tickets left at the moment after a very successful ticket sales year. In fact we had so very few tickets the club had to stop displaying and attending functions late in the year. Thankyou to everyone selling and purchasing tickets and supporting the HAHClub and Antique Machinery Centre. Stay by the phone for the call on Dec. 13 if you are the winner of $2500. Or the Ford 8N tractor and 2nd or 3 rd prize . Earl

Cedar Posts

Last thing I leave you with is this picture that Earl sent me.

He claims they’re 18 foot cedar beams to use and moving this shed in the background from welcome to our location at the AMC. This is very exciting because the town has given us this old shed from the George Hamilton school. Nice gift but now we have to move it. So look forward to the next update (I hope it will be) a meeting of the Hope Agricultural Engineering Society, all trying to figure out how the heck we move this. Stay tuned!

So that was the last piece of news, but before I could close the computer, look what pop up


Thanks to Alex Parker of Carquest Cobourg for the donation of much needed a 6Volt and a12 volt battery to the HAHClub for the Antique Machinery Centre. Earl

OK I am out of here, Thanks for reading.


The Bare

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