General Meeting Highlights

Your HAHC Executive is always looking for guest speakers and topic ideas for general meetings. And remember, all meeting are open to the public so members are always encouraged to bring a friend and other potential members.


On April 13, the guest speaker was Glen Case who shared his memories of the Port Hope flood of 1980. Glen was a fireman at that time and added many personal experiences of that destructive event. And with the upcoming 35th anniversary of the flood approaching, a time which many of us still clearly remember, Glen’s insight was interesting indeed.


If you know of someone who would be willing to come as a guest speaker, or have something you would like to talk about yourself, don’t be shy. See Earl and he’d be glad to set you up. Topics can be anything, from collections to shows attended, personal memories or discussions about a career. Don’t worry, you’re with friends and we won’t throw you under the tractor wagon!

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