Note from Earl about the Show

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to tell everyone, that the 29th Outdoor Antique Machinery and Snowmobile Show was an enormous success. Two days of sun and gentle breezes, hundreds of spectators, countless tractors, and equipment. Also, we were honored to have a visit and wagon tour of our show Saturday with the Honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

On the Snowmobile end of the field, with the last count of 116 sleds on display, there was lots of action around the rows of antiques sleds and equipment. Numerous members travelled from as far away as Sudbury, London, Windsor, and Quebec. Plus, most stayed the weekend. Nothing but great comments. “Can’t wait until next year” according to the Antique Classic Snowmobile Club of Canada’s Facebook page. Several members were disappointed they didn’t get to the show.

One major item I would like to mention is THANK YOU to all the volunteers. You worked tirelessly over the weekend. Barry and I were worried going into this year’s show and while planning this show because we had 2 years off. Trying to remember what’s needed and who is available to volunteer for the countless operations of this outdoor show in a field was a challenge. There are just too many names to mention but thanks to the HAHClub members, friends, family, sons , daughters, and grandchildren for their help over the 3 plus days of preparing, operating, and dismantling of the show site, operating displays, and the long hours spent at the gate. Without them there would be no show.

Thank you also to all our sponsors who donated either financially or with product.

Now I can get back to unloading and putting away my trailer full of stuff from the show!!!

Earl Ashby

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