Fall Open House and Poker Run


The second Open House of 2015 took place on Sunday September 20th and was an opportunity for family and friends to come out and see what was new at the AMC and it ran from 9am to 4pm. It was a perfect day under mainly sunny skies and was ideal for member to get out and enjoy fresh air on the Annual Poker Run, organized by Ron Cowan.


Leaving the AMC the group headed east, took the first road south to the 4th Line and then rumbled west almost to the Northumberland / Durham boundary. They then went south to Lakeshore Road and ambled along the lake to Port Britain and back to the AMC. Those taking part loved the trip and the scenery along the way. If you didn’t make it, plan on attending next year. It’s a great way to give those machines something to do other than lie around out in the drive shed collecting dust!

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