Hello Folks.  YES spring is here. The robins know, but the weather man does not. So this is our cold, wet spring.

Bad news first. Covid is having it effects again. The Executive have decided NOT to have the BBQ supper. The B.O.D. just think there are too many different opinions to make this successful.  We agreed to revisit this again next year.  Stay safe and healthy and we will eat later.

GOOD news is we are still going to have our OPEN HOUSE. So, you have two days in which to come and see our wonderful treasures, big and small. Make sure you bring family and friends along with you.

OPEN HOUSE        June 4th & 5th    9:00 am to 3:00 pm


Attached is our flyer you can share with your family and friends.  Remember this is out doors and in a big AIRY barn. Masks are at your discretion

More good news. Due to the positive response from the sold out crowd to see our HISTORY OF TOBACCO presentation, we are holding another showing.


Date: May 9    

Time: Gather at 7:30; Show at 8:00

Location: Antique Machinery Centre;                        5077 County Rd 10.

This is our own building, so lots of room to spread out, and big airy space. Dress for the warmth as we have NO heat, but it should be warmer then🤞.

PLEASE RSVP me so we know how many chairs to dust off.

Next, the website should be updated with all our upcoming events. Check there to see what is happening this year.

Finally, SMILE. We are still out here keeping our spirits high and antiques shining.


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