Hope Agricultural Heritage Club
Att. Earl Ashby President,
As a member of the Club over the past few years, it has been interesting to receive the annual club Horizon news letter, and on reviewing the contents of your recent letter, I would like to congratulate you and the members for again reviewing the years pass events and achievement.
It was interesting to read of the endless time and dedication that is required in restoring the donated historical antiques to their original state.
It is always interesting to note the winners of the annual tractor draw and the support that you get from the surrounding areas.
I was really impressed with the report on the history of the tobacco industry in the local area, as it was a time that I can relate to, as I had two ten age sons that i used to drive them to work on one of the various farms and I can recall the work involved due to the condition of their clothes and the smell of the nicotine.
The industry was certainly at the mercy of the weather, where the year’s crop was a loss or success.
Well, Earl once again many thanks to your dedication and your determination to make known the pass history of the Agricultural area.
Wishing you much success in your ticket sales in the coming year .
Looking forward to your next edition of the HORIZON.
23 Clifton Rd, Port Hope