This to have you put this on your calendar Dec 11, meeting.
Well Santa is book to join us Dec 11th , 2017 at the Canton Municipal offices at 7:30 pm.
If you would like to participate with the gift exchange please bring a wrapped $10.00 gift for under the tree.
To help offset the nights expenses we ask for $5.00 to cover the food and pop.
DRAW TICKETS……. WE are basically sold out, but if you need one call Earl at 905-753-2387. Your stubs and money should be turned in already, if not DO NOT forget to bring your tickets to the meeting, or give them to a director ahead of the meeting if possible.
This year President Earl is offering the greatly desired 2018 calendar with your 2018 membership. Yes 2018 memberships will be available at the same old fee of $20.00.
Also we like to receive “CAN” donations for the food bank. This is time to give back to the community. Oh if you forget….cash works well.
Lots of our members and friend are not on E-mail, so please give your buddies a call and remind them of the upcoming meeting.
We hope you can join us.