Hello Spring Lovers. Time to spring ahead, but not till Saturday night, yea: 8:00 pm before you go to bed.
With spring coming, I thought I had better remind you to get the calender out and check these dates are marked, so you do not miss them.
2023 Meeting Monday April 3, 7:30 pm
April 3, 2023
Place: Canton Municipal Building, 5325 County Rd. 10
7:30 pm
General Meeting
Guest speaker: Alex Gates, is the Curator of the Canadian Automotive Museum.
I believe this was originally the McLaughlin Automotive Museum of Oshawa.
Alex knows the history and challenges of running a museum like our Antique Machinery Centre.
This of course is a very exciting topic for anyone interested in old cars and some local car history.
All are meetings are open to the public, so come and bring a friend. They will be well rewarded.
Hope you can make it,
Next is Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny, April 8. Cavan Street Park Port Hope. This is the first time we get to sell raffle tickets on our 1948 Ford 8N Tractor. See flyer attached. It is a beautiful Tractor.
2023 OPEN HOUSE June 3rd & 4th
June 3rd & 4th
10:00 am Till 3:00 pm
Visit our working museum of Antique Farm Equipment, snowmobiles, and everything in between.
Sunday June 4th, 2023
JUNE 4 Evening Beef & Pork Buffet Dinner at
Hold the date : prices and more info to come.
OK, I will stop now not to wear out you pencil ( I mean INK so no one in the family can put anything on these dates)
Laugh with me, I just looked out the window and the snow is coming down, but it is SPRING SNOW.
- The Bare
- Barry Adamson
- Hope Agricultural Heritage Club
- 1020 Port Britain Rd.
- Port Hope, ON, L1A 3V7