The first of two annual open houses was held on June 6th and 7th with club members being invited to show off their tractors and equipment (of the mechanical variety!) to an admiring public. The event runs over the weekend and wraps up on Sunday evening with the annual club BBQ. Tickets for this go fast so members are always encouraged to get theirs ahead of time to ensure a meal. As always, the food never disappoints with Taylors Custom Meats supplying more than enough to fill hungry tummies.
Although not part of Doors Open this year, a car show was added to bring out the public. And although it did not attract many cars or tractors, we had not expected many and will still do this again in 2016 in the hope of drawing interest. One person did come out on a Harley motorcycle with a sidecar that drew a crowd! So put out the word and spend some time this winter polishing up those wheels to bring over to the AMC. Your club needs you!