HAH Club Antique Machinery Show Lawn Mower Pulls Registration and Waiver |
Individual Release and Waiver All participants must read this before registering prior to taking part in the event. 1. Danger! I understand that by taking part in this event there is a danger of serious injury. 2. Release: I hereby remiss, release and forever discharge the organizers and sponsors of the “HAH Club Antique Machinery Show Lawn Mower Pulls” , including but not limited to the directors and officers of the event committee and all the entrants and participants from any and all manner of action, causes of action, suits, claims, liabilities and demands whatsoever including but not limited to liability for negligence with respect to the “HAH Club Antique Machinery Show Lawn Mower Pulls” . 3. Photography and Filming: I hereby give permission for the organizers, or assigned official photographers permission to use any photographs, video or digital recordings of me taking part in the event, for promotional, digital or printed media. By signing this release form I have read, understand, and accept the above release conditions and have entered the event freely and voluntarily assuming any and all risk. Full Name (Print) _________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ If under 18, Parent or Guardian signature required. Signature _____________________________________________ |
UNDER 700 LB | 701 TO 900 LB | 901 TO 1100 LB |
Please Print Clearly
Name: | Phone: | Cell: |
Mailing Address | Town | Postal Code |
E-Mail: | ||
Name of Club/ Organization you are associated with. HAHCLUB, Longpoint Haulers Other ( please fill in Name) ___________________________________________________________ | ||
Description of Lawn Mower Lawn Mower Make_________________________________________________________ Model___________________________ Year_________________ Engine Horse Power _______ if known (circle) Tires Turf/AG._Other__ Mower Deck Mounted ….Yes / No Transmission Manual/Gears……Hydrostatic |
Stock Garden Lawn Mowers Class Rules
Class weights
Class One Under 700 lb
Class Two Between 701 to 900 lb
Class Three 901 to 1100 lb
Any machines over 1100 lb are not allowed to be used. Our sled too small for heavy machines.
- All general and Safety rules for lawn mowers apply.
- First puller is test puller – may choose to take pull or re-pull in last place. Notify flagman if you accept or reject BEFORE unhooking the chain.
- RPM’s not to exceed 3800.
- Governor must be hooked up and operational.
- Hitch must be in stock location of original manufacturing
- Must pass safety / tech inspection.
- Engine and drive train must be original as equipped from the factory with all stock shields in place.
- No duals, lug and/or chains on tires.
- Each person may only be entered once in each class, with the winner of each class having the option to pull again in the next higher class for an additional entry fee up to a maximum 2 classes per person.
- No cut tires.
- All lawn mowers must have operating brakes.
- Any lawn mowers with a fuel leak will not pass inspection.
Last but not least this is intended to be a fun and enjoyable event and no poor sportsmanship will be tolerated.
The club just want to let people have fun in a safe environment.