Well Hello Spring, and HAHClub Patrons.
Yes I am back after a few months off for organizing Port Hope’s Float Your Fanny Down The Ganny event. It swallows me and HAHClub takes a back seat. Yes I do get the “Heck” from Captain Earl about the club’s needs, so here I am.
First, the club’s big outing at Float Your Fanny. No, it is not Earl driving the Draw Tractor.

This is the first time in 3 years we get to sell tickets for the Raffle Tractor. So please make sure you get some and sell them to your family and friends (they may be the same so sell them double the tickets).
Next you should already have on your calendar the OPEN HOUSE at the Antique Machinery Centre June 3rd & 4th. Finishing with the PORK & BEEF Buffet Sunday night. Please order your tickets because we need to order food to feed you. Yes Earl and I, have heard all the excuses why you have not ordered your tickets yet. Commit and drag the better half out for supper, you will be a hero. No cooking, no dishes, just great food in a super place. See attachment for details.
July 1, we will be in the Port Hope Canada Day parade, put that on your calendar. More info to come in my next update.
This next article was in our Horizon Newsletter of 2021.
After this was published, I received this handwritten note from our editor’s father Gerald Bevan.
Ok I lost it, ran out of time, but I loved it. When it surfaced in my pile of papers, I stopped and copied it for you to share. This is real history.

“I do not think Tilly floodlights were used in many places. I was aware of many World War Two air bases, all were on electricity, as teenagers we used to use these runways for many things, like learning to drive et cetera.
Before I came to Canada, I managed a farm on which there had been a dummy airfield designed to confuse the enemy, we were always pulling up wires if we worked the ground too deep.”
Take care Gerald Bevan
Thank You Gerald, for sharing your memories. Sorry again for the delay.
Tractorfest 2023
This is a new event held May 27, from 10 am to 3 pm at the Kandal Community Centre.
Register or more information at skybluefarm2018@gmail.com or Diana Stephenson 905-809-7144.
What is happening at the AMC?
The boys are working hard on the Gord Wilson donation.
Here Art is grinding the wheel bracket.

Bob Barrie ducks out of the shot, but he is always working on the dirt and grit to get it ready for a new paint job.

Since these photos were taken, the Front wheels have been added, so it can roll outside for Paint. Malcolm Carruthers donated two similar tractors and he has become very involved in this restoration. Thanks Malcolm it has been a big help.
That is all for now, I must go outside and see the world from the other side of this computer. Fresh air.