Trailer’s Weights and Measurements

Our club is very fortunate to have our own MTO retired truck inspector, who used this information at a club update a while ago. Here is a chart of information he used, that I thought would be helpful for reference.  Thank You Doug Davey


Weights and Measures


Width 2.6 m

Height 4.15 m

Length standard combination 23 m

Length double trailer long combination 25 m

Length of individual vehicle 12.5m

Length of a standard semi trailer 14.65 m

Length of a long combination semi trailer 16.2 m


Threshold for trailer brakes, over 1360 kg

Trailers with a GVWR or actual weight over 1360 kg must have a VIN affixed

Threshold for annual inspection (yellow sticker) over 4500kg

(Actual weight, registered weight, combined MGVWR)

CVOR registered over 4500 kg

Trip inspection registered over 4500kg

Log books registered over 4500 kg

There is a pickup truck personal use exemption for Trip inspection, Logs, and CVOR with MGVWR of under 6000 kg.



Trailer weight over 2800 kg is must be included in the registered weight of the truck  

Trailer requires conspicuity markings if over 2.05 m wide and has a GVWR over 4500 kg 

Name is required on CMV over 8164 kg


Maximum length of overhang is 1.5 m. Then requires flags during the day, red light after dark.



G- Truck to 11000 kg

     Trailer to 4600 kg

     Total combined 11000 kg.

D- Truck any weight

     Trailer to 4600 kg

A-Trailer over 4600 kg

All air brake vehicles require Z endorsement

Two and Three axle farm plated straight trucks may be operated with a G licence



Note; 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds



Government website


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