July 16 Tractor Drive

This year’s tractor ride consisted of 10 tractors (and 1 classic car!). There were 2 Cockshutts, 3 John Deeres, 5 Allis Chalmers and one 1965 Ford Galaxie – We don’t discriminate! While the turnout was smaller than last year, we were still very happy with those who did attend. We were a little late in planning for the date selected. By the time the word got out, several people already had other plans in place, such as kid’s birthday parties – kids versus old tractors? Hmm…

We covered a distance of 49 km (30 miles) to Barry’s house for a delicious BBQ and refreshing beverages. Our route took us north of County Road 9 where we were treated to lovely views of the Northumberland hills and quiet country roads which offered lots of shade and very little traffic – great settings for a couple of rest stops to stretch our legs, talk tractors and answer questions from passers by: Why are you doing it? Just because! We also had a couple of club members visit us using other modes of transportation (dirt bikes and minivans). Turns out someone in our group was tipping them off! We won’t name names and that person does not need to fear any reprisal! We eventually worked our way south through some of the residential streets of Port Hope and on to the scenic Lakeshore Road. Everyone was happy to enjoy a relaxing outing in beautiful summer weather. No major mechanical breakdowns were encountered aside from one green tractor having some coughing and sniffles from debris in the gas tank. We will aim to give more advanced notice for next year’s ride. Stay tuned!

Many thanks again for all of your help and accommodation Barry! Much appreciated!
Michael and Myron Szalawiga
Well we the members of the Hope Agricultural Heritage Club THANK the Szalawiga family for taking the lead on a fun time. They promise to be involved at the upcoming Antique Show August 13, 14. YEA
NEXT here is information on the next general meeting.
The Hope Agricultural Heritage Club
August 8, 2022, 7:30 pm
Farrier Services

Join us at the Antique machinery Centre for a visit with a real BLACKSMITH, you know the guys in the past that made all the metal things that we do not know what they do.
Yes Jonathan will bring his forge and hammer and show you how he works with cold steel into useful things like Horseshoes.
Antique Machinery Centre, 5077 County Road # 10, Canton.
More info call Earl 904-753-2387
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