Letter from the Pres

Well it’s over again, another year and another year older. WOW! How time flies! That tractor or car you own may now be an antique! The Hope Agricultural Heritage Club has been very busy throughout the year with the usual open house functions and barbeque at the Antique Machinery Centre, the Antique Machinery Show, the tractor draw, and restoration of equipment. The participation of the HAHClub in many events in the area has created much interest in our club and machinery centre, of who we are and what we are doing.


The HAHClub would like to thank the following groups for allowing our club and our tractor draw tractor at these events the past year.


Port Hope Fanny in the Ganny Race

Roseneath Car Show

Roseneath Fall Fair

Orono Fall Fair and Orono Tractor Club

Port Hope Fall Fair

Port Hope Farm Fest


Special thanks to Jake Greydanus and Gerry Zealand for their dedication in selling tickets on the draw tractor during the year. Thank You to all that sold tickets and purchased tickets. Good Luck!


While many are thinking of Christmas or raking the leaves, shoveling snow or heading to Florida, your club directors have been planning next year’s meeting and show dates. These dates are located in the newsletter. Please get these dates marked on the calendar ASAP before others [wives] get priority!


We have planned some interesting speakers for some 2016 meetings and for a second time a car/tractor show & shine on June 4th. August 8th will be at the AMC for some historical equipment showing and Oct.1st will be at the AMC with members only barbeque. Should be fun! In the newsletter are some pics of the latest acquisitions the club has been given. Some small and some large with interesting history and all can be viewed at the AMC. Next year’s tractor for the draw will be announced at the Dec.14th Christmas Party. This will be our 10th tractor draw Restoration!

I am excited about the coming year for the HAHClub and AMC for 2016.


Your President for Life

Earl Ashby

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