Greeting Group.

It summer time and the living is easy.  (Lines from a song). The last week has been hot and beautiful.  Big rain here last nigh so the grass will grow again.(darn) I so glad to have the rain as the crops needed it.

FIRST Item is an ask for help. Our open house was such a great success that we have had 3 wonderful items, wanting to be donated to us. Super great, BUT no space. So if any buddy has some storage space we could slip a couple of our tractors into, please call Earl 905-373-8710. These new items are priceless. We would hate to see them go elsewhere.  The club exec is working hard at finding more space but we need time. Help if you can. Thanks

The July 1st Parade was a great success for the club. Nine tractors and Doug Davey towing our TRACTOR sign with the show information on it. Thanks to everyone who drove the old girls down the streets.

Next a reminder that the Tractor drive is this weekend. See the attachment above for the info.

Here is an other fun event for Antique Tractor Folks.

50th Anniversary



Friday  AUGUST 5TH 2022

Open at 2:30

Pulls at 3:30 pm


Held at the Kawartha Race Track

Peterborough, On.

Bring your Antique Tractors for display

For more information contact

Gord Robinson  905-243-2870 or 705-946-0202

Don’t forget our show is coming up August 13th , 14th. 

See you at something soon.


Have a great summer.

The Bare

Barry Adamson

Hope Agricultural Heritage Club

1020 Port Britain Rd.

Port Hope, ON, L1A 3V7

Phone:  1·905·885·2760

Cellular:  1·416·520·5296

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