Hi All.
I have lot to share with you, but I do not have time to put my thoughts together yet, but I want to get this information to you now because, July is coming.

See this photo. Yes, that is us, the Hope Agricultural Heritage Club members in the parade. We add a lot of color and life to the parade and have done this for years. So, get the old girl (tractor) out of the shed and shine it up so we can get a great showing of all color in this year’s parade. The orange boys had the most tractors last year. Where is all the red machines.
The same plan as last year. Unload from your trailer at Kings Park and line up on Strachan St and Bramley St. South. There will be a reserved parking spot by the town hall next to the beer garden to stop and show off you pride and joy.
See you there. I will lead with the HAH wagon full of kids waving flag.
Also, not a Parade, but it is a Parade with no one arranged to stand on a sidewalk and look.
It is the HAH CLUB Tractor Drive for 2023

Saturday July 8. See the attachment for more details.
Sorry I got to run and unload a trailer full of table from the Buffet dinner. More on this later, if I remember.