Farwell to Hank Jansen

Hi Jansen Family.

This is “Th’Bare” from Henk’s other family, the Hope Agricultural Heritage Club.  Yes, he was a valued member of our little tractor club. I am, like Henk was, a member of the Board of Directors. Part of my job is to handle communications and finances.  Henk’s job was to keep me in line, check the numbers and then smile. He would say, “glad money is your job”. Somewhat like you, we lost our Henk a number of years ago when he could no longer function outside his home. We lost a very dear friend who brought humor and a great insight of our farming community to everything we did.

Henk was our Club’s “Mr. Silent Auction”. He ran this little club event with precision and pride. He supplied fancy control sheets and little red pencils. We all waited for Henk to speak, just to hear his dry sense of humor, finishing with a great big smile.

At any of our outdoor shows, Henk would sit beside Jake selling our raffle tickets, waiting for the next event to happen.  They did not realize that THEY were part of our display of perfect antique farmers.

Thank You Henk for all your years of giving back to our farming community.

Personally, I thought you might like to hear about another aspect of your dear Henk.

From the HAHClub we are all sorry for your loss.

Henk, keep that plow line straight and narrow. We miss you.


Barry Adamson

Event & Financial Director

Hope Agricultural Heritage Club

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