Club Fundraising News

Club fundraising got back on track this year after the distinct lack of a draw in 2015 (due to issues with paper work). This year we are giving away a Massey Harris 22 tractor, along with the 2nd place pedal tractor and die cast model for 3rd place. The club would like to thank all members who helped with ticket sales, attending shows and events and punting to family, friends, neighbours and colleagues. A special nod as always goes to Jake, but especially to his perseverance and dedication this past year.


At this time, the club has no building plans as far as size or location. Donations are still being accepted as we urgently need a building expansion. We cannot accept any more large artifacts regardless of how rare or valuable they are! How large a building we end up with depends on how much money can be raised. Early in November, Barry and Earl had a meeting with a lawyer to discuss the implications and advantages of obtaining a charitable status for the AMC, separate from what the HAH Club does in its operations. For example, the “Antique Machinery Centre Foundation” might be formed. This would help in the fundraising with tax receipts being available to donors. Stay tuned for future developments. A lot goes on behind the scenes and we all need to thank those who take time out of their own busy schedules to see that the AMC, and the club, continues to grow.

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