2nd Canada Day Tractor Show

There may have only been a few of us, but we sure looked good.  Again, this year the club was invited to run an antique tractor show during the Port Hope Canada Day Celebration.  So, to add more sparkle to the parade, we invited all the guys who were going to come to the show, to join in the parade. Whoa, was I surprised when we had 9 shinny old beauties line up at the start of the parade. I led our section of the parade with our wonderful wagon loaded with kids and our name on it. Everyone else followed along.  Folks watching cheered and waved at the shy guys driving the old iron.  These guys loved it.

At the end of the parade we setup our show right beside the Town Hall, near the car show.  It was a terrific day and lots of people came and looked and talked about our show pieces.

Here are the results of the judging and trophies given away.

Longest Distance                                        Brook Cowan

Best Restored                                              Mike Szalawiga

Best Original                                                Ron Cowan

Town Favorite                                             Brook Cowan

With the sun shining and beer and food nearby, we all had a great day. Then most of us, mounted up and drove the old girls back to their barns.

Thanks Jack Malfait and Ron Cowan for organizing this day.

We hope more members think about joining us next year.


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