See what CHEX had to say about our 25th Annual Antique Machinery Show!
The Hope Agriculture Heritage Club is having its
25th Annual Antique Machinery Show on:
August 13th and 14th between 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Taking place between Cobourg and Port Hope on the south side of County Road 2, across from Burnham Family Farm Market (Fire #7760) the field is great for public viewing as well as a day out!
Admission is just at $5 with 12 and under free.
So come out with the family and enjoy tractor pulls, lawnmower pulls, games, lunch, and much more!
After last year’s Lemons to Lemon Aid the club is expecting this year’s show to be one of best yet.
Of the show, one of the executive who has been with the show many years, Barry “The Bare”, has said that “This show offers something for all ages; nostalgia weekend for seniors, learning experience for those under 80 and a walk down memory lane for all. Kids can see and do and touch and experience the past.”
Exhibitors Welcome! Call Dan Lovshin at (905) 377-1348
Flea market both days! All vendors wanted and only $10 for a large space!
7:00 Gates Open
8:00 Registration/Breakfast
10:00 Lawn Mower/Garden Tractor Pulls (Pull area)
10:30 to 3:00 Continuous Horse &Tractor wagon rides of area / Wagon rides to Plowing Demo
11: 00 to 2:00 Judging:
Best Restored Tractor, Best Original Tractor, Best Odd Ball/Unique Machinery, Best Restored Garden Tractor/Lawn Mower, Judges Favorite, Best Antique Cars/Trucks/Bike, Best Engines/Other, Best Restored Farm Equipment [Non-Tractor]
11:30 Shingle Mill Demonstration
12:00 KIDS Pedal Tractor and Games at the KIDS Corals
1:00 Grain Binding Demo
2:00 Hay Loader
2:30 KIDS Pedal Tractor and Games at the KIDS Corals
2:30 Shingle Mill Demonstration
3:30 Parade followed by $150 Draw
9:00 Gates Open
10:00 Arena Games
10:00 Continuous Tractor wagon rides of area to Plowing Demo
11:00 Grain Binding Demo
11:00 Shingle Mill Demonstration
11:30 Plowing Demo (Wagon ride to field)
11:30 KIDS Pedal Tractor and Games at the KIDS Corals
12:00 Lawn Mower Pulls Registration
12:00 Hay Loader Demonstration
12:30 Parade
1:00 Grain Binding Demo
1:00 Lawn Mower/Garden Tractor FUN Pulls
1:30 Shingle Mill Demonstration
1:30 Arena Games
2:00 Dyno meter…Test your horse power. Contact Office
More Information Coming Soon!