2023 Hello

Hello 2023, Friends and Members.

I thought I would like to start the year off sending you some good news.

The Hope Agricultural Heritage Club received a very generous donation of $1000, from the Bewdley Lions Club. The attached note said that we may need the money to work on a tractor that Gord Wilson was going to donate to us.  The next day President Earl picked up the tractor and by the pictures below you can see the boys rolling it into our workshop.

it’s hard to tell but I believe it is an international model B.  Besides lots of work to bring this tractor back to life, it needs parts. So Earl and Doug have been out looking for parts.  Happily, the good news keeps coming and our fellow member Malcolm Carruthers says he has an international A&B to donate to the club. So now we are going to have lots of international parts and tractors in our possession.

Our former council member from ward 2, John Bickel, has joined the Tuesday night team of warriors, to work on all our antiques. Not only has he brought his bronze and brains, he has also donated many models for our museum all in the box like new.

Thanks John Bickle and Gord Wilson and Malcolm Carruthers for your donations.

Here is a bit of the note we sent to Thank the Bewdley Lions Club, as you all should note how much of a part of us, they are.

August 12th & 13th is the 30th year of our HAHC Antique Machinery Show. For most of those years, Bewdley Lions Club has been there to feed “the boys”. Yes, you feed all the people also, but the volunteers of our club know you keep them fed and working, and for this, we also thank you.

From the volunteers in our Club to the volunteers in your Club THANK YOU. I feel we’re always so busy “doing”, we sometimes forget to say thanks to the folks who support us. I’m sorry for this, but know, we feel you are an integral part of our club.

We look forward to seeing you in the field across from Burnham Market on Highway #2 this summer. The good news is we are working on adding more organizations, like the snowmobile club, to our event. Hopefully this means more attendees and more hamburgers being sold.

We hope you are all well and have had time to read the newsletter. If you miss it, let me know and I will resend it to you.

The Annual General Meeting is Feb 6th, at Canton Hall.  More to come later,  but put it on your calender NOW.

Happy New Year.

The Bare / per President Earl Ashby

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